The Maharashtra Cooperative Societies Rule 1961

MCS Rule Forms

Form 'S' Public Notice under Rule 93

(See Rule 93(8))

Download the Word or PDF Format of form S from here.


Whereas Shri:...................................................... resident of ...................................................................... has applied for loan for the purpose of (specify purpose) ................................................................ a purpose mentioned in Section 111 of the Maharashtra Co-operative Societies Act, 1960 from
I the.................Land Development Bank Ltd ............... and has proposed to offer as a security for the loan the lands mentioned in the margin

Lands in which improvement is proposed to be effected
Name of Village Survey No. Assessment
..................................... ..................................... .....................................
..................................... ..................................... .....................................
Lands proposed to be offered as security
Name of Village Survey No. Assessment
..................................... ..................................... .....................................
..................................... ..................................... .....................................
Notice is hereby given that objections, if any, to the grant of loan from all persons interested will be heard by the undersigned at................................. O'clock on 20................ at
Any person wishing to submit any objection should appear in person at the abovementioned time and place before the undersigned together with any documents he wants to produce in support of his objections.

It is hereby notified for the information of all persons interested that according to the provisions of Section 119 of the Maharashtra Co-operative Societies Act, 1960, a written order by the Land Development Bank or person or committees authorised under the by-laws of the Bank to make loans for all or any of the purposes specified in Section 111, granting either before or after the commencement of the said act, a loan to or with the consent of person mentioned therein, for the purpose of carrying out the work specified therein for the benefit of the land or for the productive purpose mentioned therein shall, for purposes of the said Act, be conclusive of the following matters, that is to say:-
(a) that the work described or the purpose for which the loan is granted, is an improvement or productive purpose, as the case may be, within the meaning of Section 111;

(b) that the person had at the date of ;he order a right to make such improvement or incur expenditure for productive purpose, as the case may be; and

(c) that the improvement is one benefitting the land specified and productive purpose concerns the land offered in security, or any part thereof as may be relevant.
If any persons interested fail to appear as stated as required by this notice, the questions at issue will be decided in their absence and such persons will have no claim whatsoever against the property for which the loan applied for will be sanctioned till such time as the loans together with interest thereon or any other dues arising out of the loan are paid in full by the loanee.

Dated this ............ day of...............20

Designation of Officer

Copy forwarded with compliments to the Talathi or other corresponding officer..................................... village and the ..................... Land Development Bank Ltd .............................. with a request to affix this notice at the village chavdi and head office and relevant branch office of the Bank immediately and inform the undersigned accordingly by ............................................

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