List Society Letters

Society Form-J (List of Members)

It is a mandatory requirement for the Housing Society Management committee under Section 33 of the Maharashtra State Cooperative Society Rules 1961 is to maintain the List of Members. This register covers the basic details of the members like Serial No., Full Name of the Member, Address & Class of members including the Associate Members (Joint Member) or Nominal Member.

Some very common mistakes, Housing Society Management committee members normally make to record address as the same address of their flats, whereas it is expected that they should record the current address of member where he / she is staying before taking the membership of the new society.

Another common error is in recording the name of joint member. In most of the cases just because the “Sale Agreement” or “Sale Deed” is registered in joint name, the society enrol that member as Joint Member / Associate members without going in to the details as to what % of share the joint member is holding in property or whether the Joint Member has submitted the Associate Membership form as required under the Bye-law Nos. 19B & 19C along with Form – 10A i.e. and undertaking from the original member under the Bye-law No. 117(d).

It has been observed in many society elections in recent years that the nomination of an Associate Member was rejected by the election officer or preceding officer just because the undertaking as required under Bye-law No. 117(d) is not available on record.

Therefore, it is of the prime importance for the Cooperative Housing Society Management committee members to ensure that they prepare Form -J with due care.

Letterhead Details

Form J Excel File:

Click here to download Form-J excel template.
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