
Home warranty: Power and security to home buyers

With each builder working on numerous projects at the same time and the construction getting completed in no time, the quality of the construction has become a serious issue of concern to the home buyers/ owners. Here is where home warranty comes to use.

Home warranty is a contract provided by most of the renowned builders. It gives protection/ cover against partial or complete repair, if the newly constructed house is found to have any damages. It also covers the building from major damages happening to it during a calamity against which it was meant to be resistant as per the builders’ promises while selling.

It eases the home buyers of stress by assuring them high standard of construction, saves the owner a lot of money when huge losses occur owing to the negligence of the builder and it also pressurizes the builder to maintain the quality of construction.

What it covers?


Busy professionals? Housing society could be better option than independent houses

Busy professional lives leave most home buyers with almost no time to individually hire and monitor architects, supervisors, structural engineers and construction workers, and also arrange for materials. The task gets easier when assigned to a contractor who already has his team ready. A contractor in such cases are not in the binding to provide a home warranty and tries to maximize his profit by compromising on the quality of construction.

Housing societies with home warranties on the other hand, come with good quality construction and hold responsibility for mishaps even if the home buyers haven’t monitored the construction.

Advantageous to both seller and buyer

The buyer is encouraged to invest, with the confident that his new venture wouldn’t cost him anything extra owing to mishaps caused by structural defects. The buyer can also stay stress free about anything else going wrong while he has to give his new property on rent to someone who might be handling the apartment casually.

The seller receives a boost in sale and customers for the better quality willingly pay even if a higher amount is quoted.

In conclusion…

Be sure to have a copy of your home warranty and to read carefully the exclusions. Each product comes with a different time period for which its warranty is applicable; know the exact time period for which each product and its exemptions.