
How and Why to Celebrate Eco-Friendly Holi wherein Our Housing Society Is Benefited

How and Why to Celebrate Eco-Friendly Holi wherein Our Housing Society Is Benefited

Celebrating Holi in a society makes for an enticing proposition. With all the children splashing water balloons and colors while the oldies settle for a day under the sun while gorging on gujiyas makes for a delightful scene. That notice on the society board on eve of Holi is indeed awaited!

The Traditional Lineage

Just like Diwali, Holi is a major festival celebrated in most parts of India. Holi is celebrated as a play of colors, which Indians use as symbols of spreading joy amongst our kith and kin. It is a day marked by great indulgence in terms of food, drinks or fun & frolic. Traditionally, the festival is marked the day when the good triumphed over evil in Indian mythology. “Holika Dehen” just a day prior to it makes for an integral part of the society as people not only get to recreate a traditionally iconic event in Hindu Mythology. But they also get to bond in times where people barely have time for themselves let alone others.

The Dark Side

However, as the time evolves though conventional Holi celebrated with colors and food has taken a backseat. Holi celebrations today have taken to means which are cause more nuisance than fun. Heavy use of water, in balloons and pichkaris (water guns), harmful and sticky gulaals (color powders), skin damaging paints have all entered into our dictionary meaning of Holi.

Holi: The Responsible Way

But amidst all the environmental damage that we are witnessing on a global scale, it is only irresponsible as a citizen to turn a blind eye to the large-scale harm done to our environment during Holi. So, to become more responsible towards our earth and habitation, we suggest following eco-friendly ways to enjoy Holi without compromising on the environment:

So, this time around, celebrate Holi, with an eco-friendly twist!